Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18th 2011

This is my first time doing anything like this. I'm normally a pretty outgoing person and will talk a strangers ear off if asked questions,but typing to strangers who may or may not read this is very different.

I'm a 30 year old mother of 2, 1 going into kindergarten in the fall, and the other begining to potty train. I  work as a Student Nutrition Specialist "aka" Lunch Lady(they try to dress it is what it is) and also have a husband with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his tour in Iraq with the Army.
I wouldn't say that my life is boring but I definately wouldn't say it's super exciting. Im kind of in the middle. I have days just like most people do. I get up whenever my kids wake me(I'm out of school for the summer) and have a cup of coffee, that has been sitting in the pot from the day before(not always), and get the things done for the day.

During this blog I will talk about my days, the good and the bad, and what comes along with being a mother and a wife to a Vetran with PTSD.

Today was a normal day when I woke up. My husband and I have been waiting for a response from the VA for his disabilty rating increase for almost 4 months and we finally heard something.
NOPE is all I thought of when I read the letter stating "no increase". Damn them!! Life is hard enough to deal with when you hear yes, but no is even worse. Looks like we have to file another appeal and wait.
Now thats how I deal with it, but my husband is a whole different story. When someone has PTSD they get mad much faster and have more trouble controling it. Without getting too personal here I can just say I had to let him go and say what was on his mind.

After all that was said and done with, I came to the conclusion that I have to do something besides clean or scrapbook to get this off my mind. Thats how I came to this. My mother recommended that I do this and I thought it was a decent idea, so here I am.

I guess thats all for today because I have to get back and do what all moms do best.....yes...clean up after their kids!!

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